Photo Gallery

A Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

Thank you for taking the time to look through our photo gallery. These aren't just snapshots of the past but wonderful memories of all the beautiful people we were able to share the Gospel and pray with over time.

This is an incredible journey that allows us to minister to the lost, deliver hope to the broken, feed the hungry, and live out our faith up close and personal. I encourage you to not only cherish what you see but honor what has been accomplished, looking forward to what is yet to be determined through the will of the LORD.

Thank you again for taking interest in this ministry. I pray that the fruit of our labor will encourage you in your walk with Christ, producing a harvest in you that will glorify our Heavenly Father. God bless.

What will the canvas of your life illustrate before the LORD for His glory? We are all excited to bear witness with you.

a pink paper with some pink flowers on it
a pink paper with some pink flowers on it

Snapshots of God's Faithfulness

Photo Submissions

Do you have any photos from any of our events that you would like to submit to our gallery? Contact me with any questions, comments, information, submissions. I will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow me on my Facebook or write to my email: